Sunday, April 19, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Oh. And i freaking like this song. Hahahahahahahha
That's why i always say. Fat is the new sexy :)
Wah. Fucking hell think that I'm sad over something or some shit. Ask me to tell u? Jolly well go and fuck off. Oh.......u don't know what u actually did to me right. Ppl leave a nice little fullstop there, u go and take it further and poke the fucking page. Still act as if u fucking care. Don't give me that "I care for you attitude". You really really didn't know how much u affect me till now. Please. Fuck off from my life.
Fuck off.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Ahead of me lies nothing but the future :)
Well, I'm trying my best to learn this song. But the video below is this very super good guitarist playing the song 'Jeux Interdits'. I'm attempting to play the basic version though. Like the song. Don't ask.
当我想像我自己连一个成就都没有,心里一直在想我好没用。 连一个能让我自豪的事都没有。 我才发现到自己少了一个叫‘责任感’。没了这些事, 什么都会烦。 我好想有人在度陪我过我的喜怒哀乐,可是少了‘责任感’ 这个字,我也不想在伤害别人。说我多心也好,我还是会有这个烦恼。A‘ 水准都没及格,学业也不是说很好。真的没有一个能让我觉得我已经成长了,能为别人着想。一天没有这个责任感, 多爱那个人我都不可能去给她承诺。我曾经对一个朋友说过 “当你能完完全全顾虑到你的生活,就能证明自己能够顾虑到别人的生活, 并且能够好好的照顾她一辈子”。 就是这个意思。
Anyway, thank you for hearing me out :)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Status Quo
If anybody did notice my disappearance from the 5th till the 8th of May, don't fret. It was just Genting. Was quite a blast and blog posts will be going up soon. Just need to collect, quoted from Diana, " a little pictures". So, if I do procrastinate, blame the internet or something. It's more convenient.
Went to have "a little drink" with J, G, H, S, I & M. Well, you could say it was only me, J and G. I could safely say that my alcohol tolerance level dropped to the pits. Gin tonic, one shot and 2 glasses of wine and I'm out. Not that out, but HIGH and tired. Notice the caps. Cabbed home and slept.
Before that it was the fund raising event at the country club. It's some golf event where people come to pay for golf and get a shot at trying the hole-in-one. You just have to try driving the ball from destination to that hole in one try and you get a mercedes. Sounds easy right. WRONG! Only a few made it to the greens, nonetheless the hole.
Well, bottom line is, woke up at 4pm. And feeling all fussy wussy. I could say it's a weird/happy dream.
Ps: Oh, and I changed the song. Nice eh?
Thursday, April 2, 2009
After watching that episode of 康熙来了, really really make me think about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
Afterall, who doesn't want to settle down. But yea, my ideal age would be around 27 or 28. It's still too early to think about this though.
For now, with so much time at hand, I probably figure that what she say might be right. There may come a time when I have to depend on myself. 2 and a half years for my first and 1 and a half years for my second. I would have to take it step by step though.
At my age, I really think I need to settle down and think of what I should do in the future. Well, one aspect of my life failed, but at least I can further my education now. And I know what I want to do in the future. But there's this time when I was talking to my friend when we were chilling at the reservoir, and he told me there is no loss or it wouldn't hurt if I at least try to apply it once. Well, it's like a dream of mine. It's a big dream. Something that needs a great amount of responsibility. But he said, if I don't try, I really wouldn't know.
Volunteer work. anyone?
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