Saturday, April 11, 2009

Status Quo

If anybody did notice my disappearance from the 5th till the 8th of May, don't fret. It was just Genting. Was quite a blast and blog posts will be going up soon. Just need to collect, quoted from Diana, " a little pictures". So, if I do procrastinate, blame the internet or something. It's more convenient.

Went to have "a little drink" with J, G, H, S, I & M. Well, you could say it was only me, J and G. I could safely say that my alcohol tolerance level dropped to the pits. Gin tonic, one shot and 2 glasses of wine and I'm out. Not that out, but HIGH and tired. Notice the caps. Cabbed home and slept. 

Before that it was the fund raising event at the country club. It's some golf event where people come to pay for golf and get a shot at trying the hole-in-one. You just have to try driving the ball from destination to that hole in one try and you get a mercedes. Sounds easy right. WRONG! Only a few made it to the greens, nonetheless the hole. 

Well, bottom line is, woke up at 4pm. And feeling all fussy wussy. I could say it's a weird/happy dream. 
Ps: Oh, and I changed the song. Nice eh?

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